Advanced Skills - Coaching Notes & Videos

If you’ve mastered the Core Skills , it is time to have a look at these notes and videos. Don’t worry if you can’t do this yet, some of it is pretty advanced and we would not expect to see all of this at JDC or JAC level.
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Receiving [2]

Receiving across the body

Key points
  • Feet are facing intended direction of travel (because you have pre-scanned and know there is space ahead)
  • Line the stick up on the line the ball is coming on at the left foot and cushion to control on the right foot and allow to keep going so the ball ends up at 1 o'clock
  • Left hand is down by bent left knee.
  • Head is leaning out (bend knees and bend at hips) on the line of the ball
  • Left hand moves across to ensure stick face is neutral on initial receipt (perpendicular to ball not at a slant)
  • Soft bottom hand to cushion the ball
Start practicing with right hand much lower down the shaft of the stick to aid touch/feel. 

Relationship to wide base receive = Imagine wide base receive but swivel your body round 90 degrees clockwise pivoting off the left foot before the ball is within a few meters.

Receiving across the body

Receiving across the body

Lifting the ball [2]

Lifting the Ball

  • Lifting or popping the ball over a defender’s stick (see Core Skills )
  • Shot on goal – forehand flick, reverse flick, squeeze shot, slapHigh lift – a pass
  • Pass to other team members when an obstacle may be in the path
  • Ball carrying with little flips – makes it difficult for defender
Forehand Flick
  • Hand position like in a push
  • Angle stick slightly backwards
  • Stick underneath ball and open face
  • Low body position to get elevation
  • Follow through to target
When trying to learn to flick take out distance and just concentrate on height
  • Stand close to a line – try lifting over line
  • Stand close to goal trying lifting into net
Backhand (Reverse) Flick
Use: goal scoring / lifting over the keeper
  • Balls starts on left side of body
  • Hands apart
  • Ball closer to body to get head and body over ball
  • Transfer of weight will mean weight will be on right foot and often left foot up in air
  • Head of stick under the ball

The Aerial

The Aerial

Penalty Corner Injection

  • Low stance to generate power
  • Forearm an extension of the stick
  • Ball is placed on the base line with the right foot behind the line
  • Ball is gathered in hook of the stick and dragged for as long as possible.
  • Get ball moving before putting in power
  • Can be used as a deceptive pass or goal shot

Penalty Corner Injection

Penalty Corner Injection

Penalty Corner Trap

Penalty Corner Trap

There are several techniques that can be used especially seeing that the ball no longer needs to be ‘stopped dead’. However, players do need to learn the art of stick stopping as in the photos below

  • Trap the ball in a position that allows the hitter a view of the ball
  • Stick face should be at right angles to the line of the ball tilted slightly forward to control the ball
  • Body and arms need to stay steady. Do not jab forward
  • Bunt the ball forward
  • Hand position on the stick is an individual choice, but need to develop a consistent method

The penalty corner trap

The penalty corner trap

The Drag Flick

The Drag Flick

The Drag Flick

All players should develop a penalty corner skill, whether attacking or defensive.

Passing - Square Left & Left Foot Pass

Left foot pass

Passing through the channel outside the opponents left foot.
Hockey is not a symmetrical game because you can only use one side of the stick. There is an inherent weakness to be exploited.
If you can get the defender to commit their feet to the right with their weight forward (like he/she needs to do to cover off your run across him or her at an angle (space at pace) you will be able to pass through the left foot channel.

Note: You must be able to carry the ball at 3 o'clock to execute the pass.

Note: The trigger for the release of the pass is the defender's feet.

Square left & left foot pass

Square left & left foot pass

Square left & left foot pass 2

Square left & left foot pass 2

Square left, space at pace

Square left, space at pace

The Disguised Pass

The Disguised Pass


1v1 Elimination

1v1 elimination is very simple:
  1. run at an angle across the opponent (don't get too close)
  2. commit your opponent with the speed of your run (space at pace)
  3. change direction (with the ball!) when opponent is committed
Note: if opponent doesn't commit, keep on going as you probably have him or her beat for speed.

Note: dribbling the ball whilst running at the opponent and hoping he or she dives in is not going to get you very far in real hockey

Elimination part 2

If we attack the opponent by running diagonal left (across the opponent) then the change of direction will see us try and beat the opponent through their left foot (their weak side). This is normally the best option.
If we attack the opponent by running diagonal right then the change of direction will see us pull the ball square or back outside the reach of their open stick. We then still need to move sideways to fully eliminate the opponent. More work to be done than with attacking the left foot space.

Dragging with speed and reach
Note: The focus is on the stick face being neutral to the ball (perpendicular and not on a slant)
For more on the Neutral Stick, see also he video The Neutral Stick

Dragging with speed and reach

Dragging with speed and reach

The Ramp

The Ramp

The Swivel

The Swivel

Tackling [2]

The Shave Tackle

This is a defensive action that requires a lot of quality when performing it. However, it is one of the few ways to steal a ball when chasing an attacker from behind without making a foul.
The shave tackle requires a lot of practice and good, fine stick handling to properly take the ball away but, when done correctly, is highly effective.

The Shave Tackle (forehand)

The Shave Tackle (forehand)

The Shave Tackle (backhand)

The Shave Tackle (backhand)

The Shave Tackle

The Shave Tackle

Scoring with the reverse stick

Coaching Points

  • Grip the stick with both hands at the top of the stick with the flat side of the stick pointing upwards
  • Step to the ball with the right foot
  • Both feet and ball on one line
  • Hit the ball with the side of the stick, important to keep stick low to the ground in approach and follow through.

Scoring with the reverse stick

Scoring with the reverse stick

The Squeeze Shot

The Squeeze Shot

One-handed G-turn

One-handed G-turn

One-handed G-turn

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